News and Articles
News and articles from the Saint Louis University Department of Communication.
05/12/17- It's that time of the semester again. Finals week. No matter how hard you've worked or how much you've studied for the past 15 weeks, you're probably dreading this last set of exams.
05/12/17- The Department of Communication and its 13-member Advisory Board are pleased to announce the 2017 recipients of the department's two alumni awards.
05/12/17- If you've ever found yourself explaining your choice to pursue a communication degree, here are some tips.
05/12/17- Saint Louis University's 2017 Senior Symposium featured posters from three communication students.
05/12/17- Here are some things to know as you get started.
05/12/17- If you hope to land the perfect job after graduation, immerse yourself in your field.