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Academic Support

The department and university offer an array of academic support services for students.

Office Hours

Your instructor's office hours are the first way you should seek help if you are struggling in a class. Don't feel like you need a "good question" to approach your instructor. If you cannot make scheduled office hours all instructors will schedule alternate times by appointment, within reason.

Help Sessions

The department of mathematics and statistics provides drop-in tutoring to support all mathematics and statistics courses from elementary algebra to Calculus III. Help sessions are staffed by advanced mathematics students, and no appointments are necessary.

Spring 2024 Hours

Math help sessions will begin on January 22nd and end May 3rd

Help sessions during the day are in Ritter 111. Hours are Monday through Thursday  10am-5pm, and Friday from 10am-2pm.  Drop in, sign in, and say hello to a tutor.

Note: Help sessions will not be held over Wellness Days, Spring Break, or Easter Break.



Subject Specific Tutors:

Tutors who know R: Owen, Van,  Kaitlyn, Nithi, Ben

Tutors who know Calculus III: Ben, Kaitlyn

Tutors who know Survey of Calculus: Bella 

Student Success Center

SLU's Student Success Center provides academic support across the curriculum, and can match you with an individual tutor for help in mathematics and statistics courses from elementary algebra to differential equations. 

Private Tutoring

 The department maintains a list of individuals offering private tutoring for a fee.  Contact the department for more information.

Success in Mathematics

Created by the department in 1993, the Success in Mathematics document is still relevant to success in mathematics courses today.  Printed copies are available by request.