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Walter J. Ong Archive

The Walter J. Ong Archive at Saint Louis University provides scholars, students and researchers a digital repository of the Walter J. Ong Manuscript Collection and serves as a comprehensive resource on the life and works of Walter J. Ong, S.J.

The Walter J. Ong Archive is the sole property of Pius XII Memorial Library and can be accessed online.

Physical Collection

The Walter J. Ong Collection is located in the St. Louis Room of Pius XII Memorial Library. The collection contains press copy typescripts of some of Ong's books, offprints, audio recordings, personal correspondence and additional material. The material was donated to the library personally by Ong and by the Missouri Province of the Society of Jesus, per Ong's request.

If you have questions about the Walter J. Ong collection or would like a tour, contact Caitlin Stamm, University Archivist, at

Digital Collection

In addition to the physical collection, some material has been digitalized and is hosted online. The collection includes audio recordings, typescripts, photographs, correspondence and poetry. All material is available either as a PDF or an MP3.


Thomas Walsh, Ph.D., created the most complete and accurate bibliography of Ong’s work for the Ong Center, including more than 450 original publications of books, book chapters, articles, reviews, translations by Ong, poems and limited-distribution items. With the additions of reprints, revisions, translations of Ong's works by others, and other items, the bibliography contains more than 900 entries.

The bibliography is formatted according to The Chicago Manual of Style, Fourteenth Edition, with incidental adaptations. It is available in Language, Culture, and Identity: The Legacy of Walter J. Ong, S.J., edited by Sara van den Berg and Thomas M. Walsh (Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press), 2011.

The bibliography is also searchable online.