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Paba Nidhani De Andrado, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Courses Taught

Introduction to the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible (undergraduate and graduate); Introduction to the Pentateuch Biblical Prophets; Biblical Interpretation; God-Talk: Ultimate Questions in Theology


Ph.D, Durham University, UK (2012)
M.A. in Religious Studies, Hebrew University, Israel (2008)

Research Interests

  • Resilience in the Bible
  • Peripheral Biblical Characters (including Women in the Bible)
  • Ancient Jewish and Early Christian Exegetical Traditions and Interactions
  • The Sacrificial Cult and its Influence on Non-ritual Texts. Biblical Prophets

Publications and Media Placements


A Woman Validates the Word: Re-Thinking Huldah’s Prophetic Legacy and Locus (Submitted for review)

The Akedah Servant Complex: The Soteriological Linkage of Genesis 22 and Isaiah 53 in Ancient Jewish and Early Christian Texts. Biblical Exegesis and Theology Series 69 (Peeters Publishers, Leuven, Belgium) 2013.

Peer-Reviewed Articles:

“Reconciliation in the Templeless Age: The Servant’s Function as Sanctuary in Isaiah 53,” Old Testament Essays -- OTE 34 No. 3 (2021): 915–935.

“Hannah’s Agency in Catalyzing Change in an Exclusive Hierarchy,” Journal of Biblical Literature 140 (2021): 271–289.

“The Resilience of the Captive Girl Child in 2 Kings 5,” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 45 (2021): 461–475.

 “‘A Model of Christ’: Melito’s Re-Vision of Jewish (Akedah) Exegeses,” Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations 12 No 1 (2017): 1-18. 

“Hesed and Sacrifice: The Prophetic Critique in Hosea,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 78 No 1 (2016): 47-67.

“A Pauline Paradigm of Partnership” in Concilium: International Journal for Theology (2010/2011) (English Edition; SCM Canterbury Press, UK). Also translated into German, Italian, and Spanish.

Book Chapters:

“‘He was to Her as a Son’: The Intercultural Adoption of Moses and its Implications” in Adoption in the Hebrew Bible (eds. Ekaterina Kozlova and Cat Quine; Bloomsbury T& T Clark) -- 2024.

“A Resilient Reading of the Young Miriam in Exodus 2” (forthcoming in Violence Against Women and Children in the Hebrew Bible: Between Trauma and Resilience, eds. Kristine Garroway, Paul Kim and John Martens, T&T Clark, Bloomsbury Publishing) –2024.

Honors and Awards

  • Core Curricular Innovation Fellowship (2023)
  • Mellon Award  (2022)
  • Faculty Professional Advancement Grant, Curry College, MA (2016)
  • Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD: Summer Research Grant at the University of Tübingen, Germany (2010)

Professional Organizations and Associations

  • Member of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
  • Society of Biblical Literature Israelite Prophetic Literature Unit Steering Committee Member
  • Member of the Society for Old Testament Study, UK (SOTS)
  • Member of the Catholic Biblical Association (CBA)