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Academy of Medical Educators Certificate in University Teaching Skills

In partnership with the School of Medicine's Academy of Medical Educators, the Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning enhances the quality of medical education by offering a customized certificate exclusively for faculty in the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME).


The purpose of the AoME Educators Certificate in University Teaching Skills is to promote the development of medical school faculty in their journey toward transformative teaching. The certificate's requirements provide participants with pedagogical information to enhance their teaching practice.


The requirements of the AoME Certificate in University Teaching Skills are meant to ensure that participants meet the following objectives:

  • Identify and analyze different learning and teaching styles.
  • Discuss and apply various methods to assess student learning outcomes and teaching.
  • Consider productive faculty-learner relationships.
  • Identify and integrate different uses of digital technology in teaching and learning.
  • Acquire knowledge about fundamental classroom and clinical teaching skills, including lecturing, managing discussions, and other active, experiential, and collaborative learning techniques for a variety of teaching contexts and environments.

Effective Teaching Credit Distribution

A combination of required and elective credits, a minimum of 10 Effective Teaching Credits, and at least nine months, must be completed to earn this Certificate. All events and services listed are offered by the Reinert Center unless specified otherwise.


Requirements comprise six of the total Effective Teaching Credits

  • Praxis Workshops (one credit each): Choose a minimum of two, additional Praxis workshops attended count twoard elective credit.
  • Teaching Philosophy and Learning Technologies Online Courses (one credit each): Both are required, and must be taken in order
  • Teaching Observations (one credit each): Two observations are required; at least one must be conducted by the participant's mentor or a member of the AoME advisory board, the other may be conducted by the participant's mentor, a member of the AoME advisory board, or Reinert Center staff.


Electives are chosen beyond the requirements to fulfill the remaining Effective Teaching Credits.

  • Online course on assessment methods: National Board of Medical Educators course; must provide evidence of completion
  • AoME Fellows Pedagogical Sessions: Topics change throughout the year
  • Teaching Essentials (one credit per two)
  • Institutes (up to two credits each)
  • Designated Additions (one credit each): Special events and prgrams designated by the Reinert Center or the AoME as earning credit
  • Approved Conferences (up to two credits each). Examples include:
    • UMSL Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference
    • Pedagogical sessions at national meetings
    • Pedagogical sessions attended for CME credit

Because this certificate is extensive, and is the result of an ongoing process of reflection, participants are required to allow at least nine months to complete it. If the participant has not finished the certificate two years after beginning, the participant must write a brief explanation of recommitment to the program.

NB: Admittance to the Academy of Medical Educators is by application only through the Medical School's office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development. To learn more about the Academy of Medical Educators, please visit its page on the Faculty Affairs and Professional Development website.