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Call for Proposals

We invite faculty and graduate students to submit a 500-word proposal for a poster presentation on a current (in-progress) or recently completed Scholarship (or Research) of Teaching and Learning project.  New research as well as research already presented at national or local conferences is welcome.

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) involves researching questions about teaching activities and student learning by formally studying the teaching and learning activities of one’s course; answering those questions by assessing student learning and effectiveness of teaching strategies; and publicly sharing results of this inquiry in a setting that invites peer review, such as a publication or conference presentation. 

The goal of the symposium is to showcase the SoTL work being conducted by Saint Louis University faculty and graduate students, and to promote a community of SoTL practitioners.

Participation Guidelines

To submit a proposal, please fill out the SoTL Symposium Proposal form found here. The deadline for proposals is Friday, September 27, 2019. Proposal acceptance notifications will be sent by email by Wednesday, October 9, 2019.

You will be asked to provide the following information on the proposal form:

  • Name and Department (if co-presenting, please provide this information for all presenters);
  • IRB Protocol number(s); IRB approval needs to be secured if student data will be shared;
  • Description of the project, up to 500 words explaining research questions, methods, outcomes, next steps;
  • If this research was presented previously, please indicate the event and the date.

Accepted proposal abstracts will be posted on the Reinert Center website.

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium will be held on Friday, November 8, 2019, and will culminate in the presentation of the James H. Korn Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award.

For more information about the Korn Award and to learn how to nominate yourself or a colleague, please click here