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Teaching Tips and Resources

This section provides access to select teaching tips and other pedagogical resources organized by theme or topic. Some material may be presented in more in-depth web materials, while others are addressed in brief teaching Resource Guides (which provide quick overviews of a topic).

Topics covered more in-depth include:

Topics covered in brief Resource Guides include:

  • Collaborative Learning in the Classroom
  • Starting the Semester: Student Engagement
  • Student-Generated Questions, Quotations, and Talking Points
  • Supporting Active Learning in Large Classes with PowerPoint

Resources also include what we have called Before/After Sample Course Materials. Here, you'll find two versions of sample course materials (what they looked before and after being revised in some way).
Examples will include annotations to explain what changed and why.

(Have a recommendation for a Resource Guide you'd like to see us develop? Want to contribute sample course materials for the Before/After page? Let us know through our online form by clicking here.)

For general teaching advice, the award-winning Solve a Teaching Problem searchable database developed at Carnegie Mellon's Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence is an excellent starting point.