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SLU Physician Assistant Students Present Research Findings

Students from the Saint Louis University (SLU) Physician Assistant program Class of 2018 hosted a Poster Presentation on December 7 in the Allied Health Building on SLU’s medical campus in order to display their research on the various medical topics each student has been studying. A small reception rewarding the students’ work was held immediately following the event. 

SLU Physician Assistant Student Poster Presentation

Over 100 attendees viewed the research posters, provided feedback and took part in the reception. The topics on which the students presented this year included multiple degenerative diseases, cardiovascular conditions, pain control and many more. Overall, 17 research posters were displayed and the students discussed medical literature evidence, study limitations and application to medical practice with the attendees.

The mission of the SLU Physician Assistant program is to educate men and women to become competent, compassionate physician assistants dedicated to excellence in health care and the service of humanity. The SLU Physician Assistant program a graduate level program with 27 months of a combination of didactic and clinical courses.

For more information about the Physician Assistant program, click here.