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Fraternity and Sorority Life Strategic Plan

Like Saint Louis Univesity as an institution, Fraternity and Sorority Life at SLU is also guided by the principle of magis, meaning “more” in Latin. This fundamental idea that we strive for the more, the better and the greater defines our quest for excellence.

This commitment to ask more of ourselves as a Fraternity/Sorority Life community has also guided our strategic planning process. In planning for the future of our Fraternity/Sorority Life community, our work has led to the creation of this strategic plan under the following guiding principles.

Guiding Principles

Mission Driven
We shall remain faithful to, and congruent with, our institution’s Jesuit heritage and individual organization’s values and mission.
Open to Participation
We must create an inclusive environment for all who have a stake in the future of Fraternity/Sorority Life at SLU; this participation will be actively sought at every step in the development of a strategy for the future.
The community will have a clear understanding of the process as to how decisions are made and priorities set.
Individuals and organizations invested in the success of SLU’s Fraternity/Sorority Life community will be given multiple opportunities to suggest, promote, and comment upon the strategies developed for the plan.
New ideas and new ways of doing things will be accommodated, unconstrained by traditional thinking and entrenched policies and procedures, while respecting identified needs and the resources available.
We shall recognize that strategies may be constantly reviewed and renewed in the face of a rapidly changing environment, both in academia and the larger society.
Careful analysis shall be balanced with respectful consideration of the expressed needs and interests of stakeholders.

Focus One

Establish a FSL Community Brand that is mission centered, values focused and action oriented.

Goal 1.1: For FSL Community Officers that attend GOLD

Utilize chapter leaders who attend and participate in the Greek Officer Leadership Development (GOLD) Retreat in January 2020 to develop a FSL Mission Statement that aligns with organization and SLU values and mission.  Deadline: January, 18, 2020

  • Tactic 1.1.1: For FSL Advisor

Identify common themes between peer national organization values, mission and vision statements.
Deadline: January 18, 2020

Goal 1.2: For FSL Marketing/Communications Intern

Develop a marketing plan to share the mission and values of the FSL community to Potential New Members (PNMs), their families, other SLU students, staff, faculty and the greater STL community

  • Tactic 1.2.1: For FSL Advisor, Director, SIC

    Build relationships with the admissions office; Find opportunities to tell our own story
    Timeline: May 1, 2020 - Dec. 1, 2025

  • 1.2.2: FSL Advisor to organize, Council Officers and/or Recruitment Counselors to work

    Support FSL table at the SLU 101 Resource Fair (summer) and the SLU Fair (fall and spring semesters)
    Deadline: May 31, 2020
  • 1.2.3: FSL Marketing/Communications Intern

    Utilize FSL Marketing and Communication Intern to create and manage general FSL social media platforms; The intern should work collaboratively with the council VPs of External Affairs and chapter leadership
    Deadline: Sept. 17, 2019
  • 1.2.4: FSL Marketing/Communications Intern

    Utilize FSL Marketing and Communication Intern to develop a monthly newsletter to be distributed to community members, chapter advisors, headquarters partners and SLU faculty and staff
    Fulfilled: Oct. 1, 2019
  • 1.2.5:  FSL Marketing/Communications Intern

    FSL Marketing and Communications intern will lead monthly meetings with the chapter and council officers in charge of
    communications and public relations to: Streamline the marketing and communication planning process Encourage advance planning of events to maximize marketing opportunities.
    Timeline: Jan. 1, 2020 - Dec. 31, 2025
  • 1.2.6: : FSL Advisor to organize, members of the community to participate

    Host a parent/family info session for FSL during Fall Welcome that includes a panel of chapter advisors, undergraduate members and parents of current students
    Deadline: Aug. 13, 2020

Focus Two

Implement a "Standards of Excellence" program to establish minimum expectations for community organizations, providing a platform to hold organizations and members accountable and to celebrate achievements that fulfil the FSL brand.

Goal 2.1: For Greek Standards Board (GSB)

Utilize Greek Standards Board as a focus group to develop a program that utilizes the Jesuit ideals such as cura personalis (care of the whole person), magis (more) and vocation to structure a platform encompassing both minimum expectations for accountability and achievements for those that exceed expectation prior to January 2020 to be implemented for the 2020 calendar year and officer term.