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Letter from the Dean

by Grand Rounds on 01/09/2023


Headshot of Christine Jacobs, M.D.
Christine Jacobs, Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine

Last fall, we finalized our five-year strategic plan. Many thought leaders have contributed to this plan, helping to refine our goals, objectives and strategies, and identifying the resources needed to realize our vision.

Our five-year strategic plan encompasses seven key areas of focus: education; research; clinical care; diversity, equity, and inclusion; community engagement; leadership and organization; and image and reputation. 

My sincere thanks to all those in the Saint Louis University School of Medicine community who contributed to our strategic plan: the leadership, faculty, staff, and members of the School of Medicine Advisory Board.

This issue of Ground Rounds focuses on research at SLU; our scientific discovery, medical advances, and exciting multidisciplinary collaborations, and we highlight investigators and clinical researchers who are pushing the boundaries of what is possible. 

Our commitment to research is expanding opportunities for scientists, clinicians, and students. Through our strategic plan, we will work to elevate the SLU School of Medicine as our home of research excellence in clinical, translational, and basic science.

I welcome you to explore with us as the School of Medicine pursues excellence in education, research, clinical care, and community engagement. 

“I enthusiastically embrace the opportunity to advance SLU School of Medicine in our Jesuit mission of education, patient care, research, and community service.” - Christine Jacobs, M.D. F.A.A.F.P.