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Constance M. Thorpe, P.A. (ASCP)

Associate Professor; Pathologists' Assistant


Saint Louis University, Graduate Student, 1990-93
Webster University, BA, 1989
Washington University, RT(R), 1981



Research Interests

Pediatric pathology, instruction of pathology residents and pathologists' assistant students in the technique of gross surgical and autopsy dissection, serve on the Board of Registry for the American Society of Clinical Pathology - 3 year term, Pathologists' Assistant Examination Committee.


Thorpe C. Review of the integumentary system, Clinical and Pathologic Findings, Part II. AAPA Newsletter, Vol. XXV No. 4, 1997.

Vogler C, Levy B, Thorpe C, Galvin NJ, Sands MS, Barker JE, Baty J, Birkenmeier EH, Sly WS. Enzyme replacement in murine mucopolysaccharidosis type VII – Neuronal and glial response to beta-glucuronidase requires early initiation on enzyme replacement therapy. Pediatric Research 45: 838-844, 1999.

Vogler C, Homan S, Pung A, Thorpe C, Barker J, Birkenmeier E, Upadhya P. Clinical and pathological findings in two new allelic murine models of polycystic kidney disease. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 10: 2534-2539, 1999.

Thorpe C. Myotonic dystrophy, a case report. AAPA Newsletter Vol. XXVI No. 1, 1998.

Thorpe C. Munchausen by Proxy. AAPA Newsletter, Vol XXVI No. 4, 1998.

Vogler C, Petterchak, J, Sotelo-Avila C, Thorpe C. Placental pathology for the surgical pathologist. Advances in Anatomic Pathology 4: 214-220, 2000.

Batanian JR, Brink DS, Thorpe CM, Haddad BR. Case of lipoblastoma with two derivative chromosome 8 containing homogeneously staining-like regions and a review of the literature: lipoblastoma and chromosome 8. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. 125: 10-13, 2001.

Batanian JR, Cavalli LR, Aldosari NM, Ma E, Sotelo-Avila C, Ramos MB, Rone JD, Thorpe CM, Haddad BR. Evaluation of paediatric osteosarcomas by classic cytogenetic and CGH analysis. Molecular Pathology 55: 389-393, 2002.

Grange DK, Kaler SG, Albers GM, Petterchak JA, Thorpe CM, deMello DE. Severe Bilater Panlobular Emphysema and Pulmonary Arterial Hypoplasia: Unusual Manifestations of Menkes Disease. American Journal of Medical Genetics 139A:151-155, 2005.

Thorpe CM, American Association of Pathologists’ Assistants Study Guide for the ASCP BOR Certification Examination. Copyright 2006.

Honors and Awards

Distinguished service award - American Association of Pathologists' Assistants
Photography Award - American Association of Pathologists' Assistants
Newsletter Award - American Association of Pathologists' Assistants

Professional Organizations and Associations

American Association of Pathologists' Assistants
American Society of Clinical Pathology