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Archbishop Desmond Tutu, 1931 – 2021

December 28, 2021

Archbishop Desmond Tutu died on December 26th. Tutu was a Nobel Laureate for Peace, an archbishop of the Anglican Union, and a disciple of Christ. December 26th also marked the first day of Kwanzaa – Umoja – the principle of cultivating and maintaining unity in the family, community, and nation within and among races. Archbishop Tutu embodied Umoja. His advocacy for justice and his courageous denunciation of injustice became the prophetic “voice in the wilderness” that, with Nelson Mandela and so many other heroes, brought about an end to apartheid in South Africa.

Our world is not yet perfect. Challenges continue in South Africa, just as they remain here in our own beloved nation and city. Yet, the compelling power of vision, coupled with Archbishop Tutu’s bravery and trust in the abiding goodness of God, calls to all of us. Injustices, whether great or small, diminish all of us.

Archbishop Tutu wrote, “Your ordinary acts of love and hope point to the extraordinary promise that every life is of inestimable value.” These words reflect the very essence of Ignatian spirituality. We are all created in the image and likeness of God, each of us deserving of dignity, opportunity, and respect. Our value, Archbishop Tutu’s value, was founded upon this profession.

Let us mourn a prophet’s passing and yet be encouraged that we have lived in these times of momentous change. Let us bring in the New Year with our hearts and minds set on unity, peace, and justice; but let us recognize that unity, peace, and justice require us to actively resist injustice. Archbishop Tutu wrote, “To choose hope is to step firmly forward into the howling wind, baring one’s chest to the elements, knowing that, in time, the storm will pass...The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”

Inspired by Archbishop Tutu may we all pray to God that we will continue to live in times when injustice will be confronted and all will embrace the values of the Gospel as did Archbishop Tutu. For surely "the righteous will be remembered forever." (Psalm 113.6)

May he rest in peace.

David Suwalsky, S.J.
Vice President for Mission and Identity

Amber Johnson, Ph.D.
Interim Vice President for Diversity and Innovative Community Engagement