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“Double Vision” Related Events

Deepen your experience of “Double Vision” with a variety of public events.

Click on the name of an event for more details.

Mar. 31 — Guitar Concert with Patrick Rafferty

Thursday, Mar. 31, 2022 - 6:30 p.m. CDT
Free and open to the public — please check our current COVID policies
Held in MOCRA’s nave gallery

Join us for a spring-themed recital by Patrick Rafferty, guitar instructor in SLU’s Music Program, featuring traditional guitar repertoire and other selections.

The concert is co-sponsored by the Music Program of SLU’s Department of Visual and Performing Arts.

About the Performer

Guitarist Patrick Rafferty sits on a piano bench with his guitar on his lap, an open guitar case on the floor next to him

Patrick Rafferty is a versatile and acclaimed guitarist. He received a Bachelor of Music degree from Southeast Missouri State University  in 2004. He continued his studies at the Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University, earning the Master of Music degree in 2006 and the Graduate Performance Diploma in 2008. As a performer, Patrick has won several competitions. In 2021 he was selected as a Featured Artist by the Missouri Arts Council. Patrick currently serves on the guitar faculty of Southeast Missouri State University, Saint Louis University and the Webster Community Music School. 

Patrick maintains a busy schedule of solo and ensemble recitals. Recent concerts include solo and ensemble appearances with Chamber Project Saint Louis, in the Chamber Music Sundays at Three Series, the Elliot Chapel Friends of Music Series, the Shepley Concert Series at Christ Church Cathedral in St Louis, and numerous appearances at The Tavern of Fine Arts.

Apr. 1 — Spotlight Tour: Reflections on Honesty with Dr. Fred Rottnek

Friday, Apr. 1, 2022 - 12:30–1:00 p.m. CDT
Free and open to the public — please check our current COVID policies
Held in MOCRA’s nave gallery

Art and conversation, served up for your lunch hour!

Join MOCRA Director David Brinker and Dr. Fred Rottnek, Professor and Director of Community Medicine, for a focused 30-minute look at two artworks in the MOCRA exhibition “Double Vision: Art from Jesuit University Collections.” Brinker will share insights into the two pieces chosen to respond to the theme of “Honesty,” while Rottnek will discuss the reflection he wrote on the theme for the exhibition catalogue. 

Apr. 7 — Tom Lucas, S.J.: Art in the Jesuit Tradition

Thursday, Apr. 7, 2022 - 4:00 p.m. CDT
Free and open to the public — please check our current COVID policies
Held in MOCRA’s nave gallery

Join us as Fr. Tom Lucas, S.J., speaks about “Art in the Jesuit Tradition,” an illustrated presentation that surveys the important role of art in Jesuit education and spirituality from the earliest days of the Society of Jesus. The presentation will be followed by an opportunity for Q&A, moderated by Virginia Herbers, Director of Mission Formation in SLU’s Office of Mission and Identity.

Attend In-person

Fr. Lucas will give his presentation over Zoom to a live audience in the MOCRA gallery. There is no charge to attend, but pre-registration is required.

Please fill out the registration form here

Watch Online Later

Fr. Lucas’ talk will be recorded and available to watch later. Check back for a link after Apr. 7.

This event is held in conjunction with the MOCRA exhibition “Double Vision:  Art from Jesuit University Collections,” on display through May 22, 2022. 

Fr. Lucas’ talk is made possible with generous support from the Office of Mission and Identity at Saint Louis University, which is charged with furthering the understanding of Saint Louis University's Mission as a Jesuit and Catholic University, working to ensure the mission and core values of Saint Louis University are integrated into operations, structures, programs and practices. 

About the presenters

Photograph of Rev. Tom Lucas, S.J.

Rev. Tom Lucas, S.J.,  is an internationally recognized expert in Jesuit art history, and is well known as a liturgical designer and artist with an international portfolio. 

Fr. Lucas is currently the pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish in Sacramento, CA, where he continues his art and teaching work. He served as professor of art and art history at University of San Francisco (1995–2013) and Seattle University (2013–2019). He received his doctorate in Theology and the Arts at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA, in 1992. He also holds degrees from the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome; Fordham University, New York; The Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, and Santa Clara University, California.

Photograph of Virginia Herbers

Virginia Herbers, MA, is the Director of Mission Formation in SLU’s Office of Mission and Identity.  She works with the faculty and staff of the university to provide programming and formation opportunities for their greater knowledge of, immersion in, and lived expression of the mission of St. Louis University according to our Jesuit tradition and identity.  Virginia has a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies from Aquinas Institute and has served in the Office of Mission since October 2021.

Apr. 9— Spotlight Tour: The Art of Collaboration

Saturday, Apr. 9, 2022 - 11:15–11:45 a.m. CDT
Free and open to the public — please check our current COVID policies
Held in MOCRA’s nave gallery

Join MOCRA Director David Brinker for a focused 30-minute tour of the MOCRA exhibition “Double Vision: Art from Jesuit University Collections.” Brinker will share insights into the process of developing the exhibition in collaboration with colleagues from Marquette University and Loyola University Chicago.

Apr. 12 — Spotlight Tour: Reflections on Compassion with Dr. Bonnie Wilson

Tuesday, Apr. 12, 2022 - 12:30–1:00 p.m. CDT
Free and open to the public — please check our current COVID policies
Held in MOCRA’s nave gallery

Art and conversation, served up for your lunch hour!

Join MOCRA Director David Brinker and Dr. Bonnie Wilson, Associate Professor of Economics, for a focused 30-minute look at two artworks in the MOCRA exhibition “Double Vision: Art from Jesuit University Collections.” Brinker will share insights into the two pieces chosen to respond to the theme of “Compassion,” while Wilson will discuss the reflection she wrote on the theme for the exhibition catalogue. 

Apr. 21— Spotlight Tour: The Art of Collaboration

Thursday, Apr. 21, 2022 - 5:15–5:45 p.m. CDT
Free and open to the public — please check our current COVID policies
Held in MOCRA’s nave gallery

Join MOCRA Director David Brinker for a focused 30-minute tour of the MOCRA exhibition “Double Vision: Art from Jesuit University Collections.” Brinker will share insights into the process of developing the exhibition in collaboration with colleagues from Marquette University and Loyola University Chicago. 

May 5 — Spotlight Tour: Reflections on Solidarity with Dr. Ken Haller

Thursday, May 5, 2022 - 5:15–5:45 p.m. CDT
Free and open to the public — please check our current COVID policies
Held in MOCRA’s nave gallery

Join MOCRA Director David Brinker and Dr. Ken Haller, Professor of Pediatrics, for a focused 30-minute look at two artworks in the MOCRA exhibition “Double Vision: Art from Jesuit University Collections.” Brinker will share insights into the two pieces chosen to respond to the theme of “Solidarity,” while Haller will discuss the reflection he wrote on the theme for the exhibition catalogue. 

Return to the “Double Vision: Art from Jesuit University Collections” exhibition page