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Partnership with SLU Earns City National Recognition


The City of St. Louis received a national award for emergency responsiveness because of its partnership with Saint Louis University, St. Louis’ emergency response planner, says.

Through the partnership, more than 200 nursing students are trained in emergency preparedness at any point during the academic year. In the event of a catastrophic event, these students can assist with public health needs, such as dispensing medication to the community in case of a bioterror attack.


SLU nursing students dispense medications during a training drill that tests emergency preparedness last October. SLU file photo

“The entire region, even the country, benefits from this program because as Saint Louis University nursing students graduate, they take with them important emergency response training which they can use in their medical practice,” says Patricia Curtis, emergency response planner for the City of St. Louis Department of Health.

Deborah Artman, the School of Nursing instructor who coordinates the initiative at SLU, says students gain valuable skills as the community benefits.

“The partnership aims at increasing community resiliency by educating a rotating workforce to respond and prepare for a public health emergency, and assists in increasing awareness of preparedness efforts, generating an interest in civic engagement,” Artman says.

The award was presented by the National Association of County and City Health Officials and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.