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Jesuits Examine Ignatian Values Today in Bicentennial Speaker Series


Best-selling author and founder of “Homeboy Industries” Greg Boyle, S.J., will lead off a series of today’s preeminent Jesuit writers, scholars and practitioners in honor of Saint Louis University’s bicentennial.

The speaker series, “SLU Bicentennial Lecture Series: The Jesuit Influence in American Spirituality, Education and Society,” will examine the contemporary impacts of the Jesuit tradition and Ignatian values.

The lectures in the series include:

The other talks in the series will be held at St. Francis Xavier College Church unless otherwise specified. The following lectures that have been set include:

The talks are free to attend.

For more information, visit the Office of Mission and Identity and SLU’s bicentennial.

Saint Louis University is a world-class Catholic, Jesuit institution educating nearly 13,000 students on two dynamic, urban campuses - in St. Louis, Missouri, and Madrid, Spain. Founded in 1818, the University will soon celebrate its bicentennial.
With a legacy of innovative academics and research, compassionate health care and faithful service, Saint Louis University attracts a diverse community of scholars who push intellectual boundaries in pursuit of creative, meaningful ways to impact the world, striving to serve a higher purpose and seek a greater good.