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SLU Welcomes Students, Families to Campus with Health Protocols in Place

Saint Louis University’s Fall Move-In 2020 officially kicked off Aug. 11, with SLU welcoming more than 650 new residential students to its midtown St. Louis campus in advance of an earlier start for undergraduate classes on Aug. 17.

Members of the student leadership group, Oriflamme, assist new residential students and their families during the fall 2020 move-in. As part of SLU’s safeguards due to COVID-19, face masks were required during move-in. Photo by Douglas Garfield Launch SlideshowMembers of the student leadership group, Oriflamme, assist new residential students and their families during the fall 2020 move-in. As part of SLU’s safeguards due to COVID-19, face masks were required during move-in. Photo by Douglas Garfield

The traditional fixtures of SLU's annual move-in activities were all there to see. 

Clad in their signature orange t-shirts, Oriflamme student leaders excitedly greeted families as they arrived and helped their newest classmates move their belongings into their new homes away from home. 

SLU’s President, Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D., and his spouse, Fran Pestello, Ph.D., made the rounds again, personally welcoming as many of the new Billikens and their families to campus as they could. 

In addition to these and other familiar sights, there were some new ones too, including face masks, disinfectant spray bottles and signage posted throughout campus featuring information about COVID-19 and tips for staying healthy. 

A Move-In Like No Other 

To protect the health of all SLU community members, as well as residential students and families, SLU made a number of changes to move-in this year. 

To help avoid gathering large groups in close proximity and allow for social distancing, SLU expanded new student move-in from one day to three. Move-in for returning students is Aug. 14-16. 

In addition to adding more days and requiring face masks and social distancing, the University made many changes to its move-in traditions this year to protect students, families all members of the SLU community. 

For example, all residential students are tested for COVID-19 at move-in. SLU is using a nasal swab test that provides results within about 15 minutes. 

Billiken families and those assisting with move-in completed health screenings before entering residential buildings. Residential students were also limited the number of people they could bring to help them move in. 

This year’s Fall Welcome also will be unlike any that has preceded it, with fewer in-person social events and more virtual or remote experiences to help students connect. 

Additionally, the 2020 new student convocation ceremony will take place virtually and will live stream on and on SLU's official Facebook page

Fall Housing Plans 

SLU developed its plans to safely house students on campus this fall through close consultation with the University’s public health experts and with the City of St. Louis Health Department. 

The University is reducing occupancy in spaces where more than two students share a room, and overall capacity in campus housing has been reduced by 10-13%. 

SLU has also designated specific spaces as isolation and quarantine spaces for students living on campus as needed. 

Learn More about SLU’s Fall Housing Approach 

Public Health Safeguards 

As students, faculty and staff return to campus for the fall, the University is implementing numerous rigorous public health protocols safeguards. 

Among them, face masks and social distancing will be required in all common spaces, including classrooms and labs. Review SLU’s interim face mask policy.

The University also is increasing the frequency of cleaning of high-touch surfaces in common areas across the campus with EPA-approved, hospital-grade disinfectant. 

Everyone who is living, learning or working on campus this fall are required to complete symptom checks, and SLU is launching a mobile app to make that process easier. 

In student housing, common areas have been reconfigured for reduced occupancy, and entry into residential buildings will not be allowed without a face mask. Off-campus guests to residence halls also will be prohibited. 

Learn More about SLU’s Safeguards for Fall