Construction Work on New ISE Building Is Substantially Complete
Maggie Rotermund
Senior Media Relations Specialist
Reserved for members of the media.
Major construction work on Saint Louis University's new $50 million Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE) Building ended Friday, June 26. Occupants will be moved into the new facility in July and August.
“The project team, which includes BSI Constructors Inc., Hastings + Chivetta, as well as subcontractors, design consultants, etc. have been working long hours to wrap up the details that involve a project of this size and magnitude,” said Dustin Montgomery, assistant director of construction services. “This includes exterior site work, the placement of sod, landscape and concrete walkways. It also includes interior work such as casework, flooring and painting.”
The building features innovative teaching spaces and flexible labs, an active learning classroom that can hold up to 210 students and a research computing and data visualization support center.
“The building will be ready for fall classes,” Montgomery said. “We are on schedule and under budget.”
Montgomery said the installation of furniture, IT and AV equipment are currently being installed in an effort to be ready for the move in of occupants, which will begin in July and should be complete by early August.
In December, ISE Building Committee co-chairs Kenneth Olliff and Michelle Sabick, Ph.D., announced the faculty teams and projects who will occupy the building. Those teams include:
- The WATER Institute
- PATH - People and Technology Horizon
- SLU Center for Additive Manufacturing
- Computer Science
- The Walter J. Ong, S.J. Center for Digital Humanities
- Computational/Structural Biology
Biology and Chemistry also have teaching labs in the building.
Construction on the 90,000-square-foot, three-story structure began in November 2018. The ISE building is part of a $50 million project that includes renovation of existing lab spaces.
It is located on the southern edge of Tegeler Field, just east of Ritter Hall.