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School of Education Provides Resources for Parents Dealing with Virtual Learning

by Maggie Rotermund on 03/27/2020
Media Inquiries

Maggie Rotermund
Senior Media Relations Specialist

Reserved for members of the media.


Be gentle. As parents begin the task of social isolation, working from home and having children learn from home, Gary Ritter, Ph.D., dean of Saint Louis University’s School of Education says everyone needs to be gentle on themselves and with each other.

Gary Ritter, Ph.D.
Gary Ritter, Ph.D. 

“We shouldn’t expect perfection from ourselves or from our kids,” Ritter said in a recent interview on St. Louis Public Radio’s St. Louis on the Air.

“We should think about what are the most important learning objectives that we think our kids need to get and help work with them and focus on these.”

Listen to the full interview

Ritter said parents should try their best to make sure children get some work done each day in their core subjects. “There are a lot of resources out there for educators and for parents,” Ritter said.

One of those resources is SLU’s PRiME Center (Policy Research in Missouri Education). The PRiME Center is an independent research center housed in the Saint Louis University School of Education, specializing in generating, collecting and disseminating education policy research. 

The PRiME Center has Resources For Home Learning During the Quarantine, which includes a running list of resources for in-home and online learning.

“None of us are going through it alone,” Ritter said. “We should reach out to our friends and colleagues and seek ideas. It’s going to be challenging for everyone.”

Parents can also reach out directly to SLU’s School of Education by emailing