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SLU Researchers Recognized at Scholarly Works and Grant Winners Reception


The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) hosted the annual Scholarly Works and Grant Winners reception Wednesday, May 18, in the Sinquefield Room.

SLU President Fred P. Pestello speaks at research awards ceremony.

President Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D. speaks at the reception.

SLU faculty and research administrators were recognized for their outstanding research contributions, including published research, grants and research leadership.

Winners were recognized for works and grants from 2020 and 2021. Nominations for the honors were solicited from college deans and associate deans for research.

In opening remarks, President Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D. focused on SLU's mission: The pursuit of truth to the greater glory of God for the service of humanity.

"The pursuit of truth. And that’s what we’re celebrating here today,  research and scholarship at Saint Louis University.”

Pestello told researchers in the audience, “You have risen to the call. What is impressive is not simply the volume of research that's being done but the mission-centered areas you are exploring which will help humankind move forward.”

Provost Michael Lewis, Ph.D., applauded the remarkable accomplishments which were achieved even in the midst of a public health crisis. 

“We are really celebrating so much research success in the face of two years of a pandemic,” Lewis said. “This is an incredible amount of productivity and incredible amount of accomplishment that the community has achieved.”

“It's really something to behold.”

Scholarly Works Awards

Scholarly Works Published in a Journal

Scholarly Works Published as Books

Non-book/journal Scholarly Works

Grant Winner Awards

Senior Faculty Grant Winner Award

Faculty Innovation Award

Staff Award

Research Leadership Award