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Mission and Identity to Start Book Club Focusing on Jesuit Mission

The Office of Mission and Identity is sponsoring a Mission and Identity Book Club that will focus this year on the book “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything,” by renowned priest James Martin, S.J.

The club will explore what it means to “live the mission” and how the mission influences work and personal daily lives.

Book club reflection groups will meet every other week, or as decided by the group. The whole club will meet once at the beginning of the academic year and then again at the end.

Book club reflection groups are now forming, and all are invited to join the discussion.

SLU faculty and staff can participate in one of three ways:

Group leader instructions and meeting outlines are available.

A kick-off luncheon will be held at noon on Sept. 7, in the College Church Ballroom. Books and material will be distributed at that time.

Register here for a discussion group and participate in the planning process. 

Contact Mission and Identity (DuBourg Hall 211) at 314-977-7065 or

About the Book
“The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything,” by the Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a practical spiritual guidebook based on the life and teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. Centered around the Ignatian goal of “finding God in all things,” the book shows how to manage relationships, money, work, prayer and decision-making, all while maintaining a sense of humor. The book is filled with user-friendly examples, humorous stories and anecdotes from the inspiring lives of Jesuit saints, as well as “everyday” priests and brothers.