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Campus Ministry Announces 2015-16 Mass Collection Totals, Recipients Chosen for 2016-17

Throughout the 2015-16 academic year, students gave generously at the 9 p.m. Sunday Mass in St. Francis Xavier College Church sponsored by the Department of Campus Ministry. 

Recipients included the Student Emergency Relief Fund, Habitat for Humanity Pope Francis House, Xavier Winter Inn, Our Lady's Inn, Casa de Salud and Fundahmer in El Salvador.  In total, the students gave $8,772.08.

This year, the 9 p.m. Mass collections will benefit the Student Emergency Relief Fund, the Pregnant and Parenting Student Assistance Fund, Labre, North Grand Neighborhood Services, Camp Kesem and Fundahmer in El Salvador.

For more information on any of the recipients or ways to give outside of Mass, contact Erin Schmidt, Liturgy coordinator at or Campus Ministry at 314-977-2425.