Garage Entry Changes Announced for Chaifetz Events
Parking and Card Services has announced changes to the way parking is handled during Chaifetz Arena events on campus.
For parking in either the Laclede or Olive garages during collection times of an event, SLU permit parkers can enter at the "Permit Holder Only" entrances of both garages (Olive's entrance is located in the center of the garage on Olive, and Laclede's entrance is the lower west entrance near Spring).
The only exception to this will be during a sold-out event at Chaifetz. If this occurs, you will still be able to park in the Laclede garage, but the entrance to Olive will be closed. When this happens, notification signage will be posted outside the garage entrances the day of the event and on the Parking Facebook page.
If you choose to enter the garage from an entrance other than the “Permit Holder Only” entrance after event collection starts, you will be required to pay the event parking rate.
Verify License Plate by Aug. 1
If you have not already verified your license plate information for your SLU parking permit, the deadline is Monday, Aug. 1.
To verify, log into Banner Self-Service Parking and Card Vehicle Registration and follow the steps below to ensure that the vehicle/license plate(s) you have registered are correct.
- Log into “MYSLU”
- Go to the “TOOLS” tab
- Open the “Parking Icon”
- Click “Register for Parking – Verify Vehicle Information”
- From the "Please Select a Term" drop down menu, choose "EMPLOYEE PARKING" and click “Continue” (this will display your current permit history).
- Click “Continue.”
- Check your vehicle information for accuracy. If all information is correct and nothing needs to be added, click "Cancel." No further action is required on your part.
- To add a new vehicle, click “Register Additional Vehicles” tab on the main menu. Fill in the requested information and click "Add Vehicle." Register each vehicle that you will park on campus.
If you need to change existing vehicle information (i.e. updated plates, change vehicle information to existing plates, mark a vehicle as inactive, etc.) send the information to