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International Photo Contest Winners Announced

The Office of International Services announces the winners of its fourth annual international services photo contest.


A winning photo in the landscape category featuring a scene in Maasai Mara, Kenya, submitted by Samantha Wasala, a graduate student in the College for Public Health and Social Justice.

During the 2015-16 academic year, more than 900 Global Billikens participated in international experiences all over the world.

“The study abroad office sincerely thank all of the students who submitted fantastic photos of their worldwide adventures,” said Margaret Kessler, study abroad counselor. “With more than 200 submissions, representing over 20 countries and six continents, including photos from our international students studying here in the United States, we enjoyed our trip around the world! We would also like to thank the members of the Saint Louis University community who voted for their favorite photos.”

The winning photos are currently displayed on the Study Abroad webpage and the Saint Louis University Study Abroad Facebook page. These photos will be displayed throughout the year in the Office of International Services, Des Peres Hall 102.

Each winning student will receive a framed copy of their photo, with a personalized plaque.

2016 International Photo Contest Winners:




Unique Cultural Experience

SLU Spirit