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Staff Advisory Committee Announces Executive Board Chair-Elect

The Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) announces Pete Garvin, public safety officer, will serve as the chair-elect for the 2016-17 executive board. The entire SAC membership was invited to vote on this election.

Pete Garvin
Pete Garvin has been employed in Saint Louis University's Department of Public Safety since 1996.

The SAC seeks to communicate the interests and concerns of University staff; to function in an advisory capacity in the development, review and implementation of University policies that affect staff; to provide a means of communication with the administration, faculty and students and support them; and to create and nurture a spirit of unity among all employees at the University.

The chair-elect is responsible for attending SAC executive board meetings, SAC meetings and President Advisory Committee meetings and for assisting the chair as needed. In the event the chair is unable to fulfill his/her duties, the chair-elect will assume the responsibility of the chair.

The chair-elect assumes a three-year commitment: he/she serves as chair elect for one year, becomes the chair for one year and serves as past-chair for one year. The chair sets the agenda (and sends it to the corresponding secretary for distribution), and presides over both the SAC executive board and regular SAC meetings. Additionally, the chair serves as the SAC representative on the President's Coordinating Council (PCC).

Garvin has been employed with Saint Louis University in the Department of Public Safety since 1996. He has held a variety of positions within DPS, including supervision and management of security for the establishment and opening of the Doisy Research Center and Chaifetz Arena. He formally joined the Staff Advisory Committee in 2014 and has been an actively engaged member of the SLU community. Garvin in involved in the Cura Conflict Mediation Series and the Witnessing Whiteness discussion group, and is enrolled in the School for Professional Studies

Garvin’s involvement with the Staff Advisory Committee is just one example his commitment to Saint Louis University. His loyalty to Saint Louis University began at a young age. He was raised near the campus and has seen the expansion and reputation of Saint Louis University develop first-hand.

“Pete’s shared governance and solution-driven approach to leadership is welcomed,” said Kellisa Lyn Fiala, SAC corresponding secretary.

Garvin was previously selected to the executive board to serve as the SAC membership coordinator. He will assume both positions. The membership coordinator distributes annual membership renewal and monitors all new member applications. The membership coordinator also prepares the monthly sign-in sheets for members, assists with recording Fuze attendees and sends the attendance sheets to the archivist and recording secretary. The membership coordinator assumes a one-year commitment and is expected to attend SAC executive board meetings and SAC meetings.

Learn more about SAC here.

Renew SAC membership here