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Thanksgiving Break Closings Announced

Various services available to the SLU community, including SLU-Ride and Student Mail Services, will have modified schedules over the Thanksgiving break.

Shuttle Service Schedule

There will be no Express service Wednesday, Nov. 23, as there are no classes, so shuttles will run on the regular schedule until 12:30 p.m. to accommodate anyone who may need a ride to the parking areas. This includes both Grand A and B, and the Billiken/Scott Hall shuttle.

The School of Law is on regular schedule, but there will be no classes at Salus Center, so the B/SH shuttle will not go to Salus Center Wednesday. However, the Billiken/Scott Hall shuttle will run the limited schedule (from 4 to 6 p.m.) Wednesday afternoon. Regular service will resume at 7 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 28.

Instructional Media Center Schedule

The IMC, located in the lower level of the Xavier Hall Annex, will close at noon, Wednesday, Nov. 23, and remain closed through Sunday, Nov. 27. It will reopen at 8 a.m. Monday, Nov. 28.

Student Tech Services Center Schedule

Both locations close at noon Tuesday, Nov. 22, though Sunday, Nov. 27, re-opening at 8 a.m. Monday, Nov. 28.


DPS SLU-Ride will close at 1 a.m., Wednesday, Nov. 22, and will resume service at noon on Sunday, Nov. 27. Members of the SLU community who remain on campus can get safety escorts during evening hours by calling DPS at 977-3000.

Student Mail Services Schedule

Student Mail Services will resume regular hours on Monday, Nov. 28.

Busch Student Center Schedule