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Annual Fire Alarm Inspections Scheduled

In coordination with the Department of Public Safety, Simplex Grinnell will be performing annual fire alarm inspections during the month of October.

All inspections will be done silently for the majority of the inspection. However, by code, all audibles in each SLU building need to be tested. The audible tests will be performed at the end of the inspection for a brief four to five minutes in order to minimize the disturbance this may cause to normal business. These audible tests will consist of the building horns and strobes going off while inspectors walk through the buildings to ensure all audibles are sounding properly.

Some of these facilities are classroom buildings, and since the week of Oct. 10-14 is midterms week, the audibles in the scheduled buildings will all be tested on Tuesday, Oct. 18 during the fall break.

Note that the schedule could take place over more than one day and may vary by a day or two in some cases.

Contact Darren Gaertner, technology manager, at 314-977-3512 or with any questions.

Inspection schedule: