Apply for National Leadership Honor Society Omicron Delta Kappa
Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) is the national leadership honor society.
ODK was started 100 years ago to recognize those who value and excel at the five phases
of college life: scholarship; athletics; campus and community service / social or
religious activities / campus government; journalism and mass media; and creative
and performing arts.
Today, there are more than 285 active circles at universities across the nation,
including SLU.
Students who see themselves as someone who exemplifies those qualities of a true
leader and a Billiken are invited to apply for ODK membership. In order to apply,
students must be juniors, seniors or graduate students.
View the application here. Applications are due by Friday, Oct. 7.
Successful applicants will receive more details from the executive board after applying.
The next induction ceremony will be held on Sunday, Nov. 6. Business casual dress
is required, and refreshments will be provided after the ceremony.
Contact Alissa Benchimol at 314-977-2805 or for more information.