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Follow the Events of General Congregation 36 of the Society of Jesus

General Congregation 36 of the Society of Jesus will convene in Rome on Oct. 2, 2016, with more than 200 Jesuits participating in person.

For the Jesuits and their ministries, this is a very important time, as such gatherings are rarely held. There have only been 35 others in the 476 years since the order was founded in 1540.

The Congregation is the highest decision-making body in the Jesuits. When it is in session, it outranks even the Jesuit’s Superior General.

At the gathering in Rome, the Congregation will elect a new General and also seek to discern the call of the Lord today. As an example, during the 32nd General Congregation (1974-75) the specific call for “the service of faith and the promotion of justice” was established, which remains the central characteristic of all Jesuit ministries to this day.

The first general congregation took place in 1558, two years after St. Igantius’ death. Some congregations last for many months. One, GC31, met for several months, broke for more than a year, and then resumed for two more months.

The SLU community is invited to join with the Jesuits of our regional province — the USA Central and Southern Province — in following the events of the Congregation, and in praying for those who attend.

Those interested may sign up at for a daily newsletter. The site also contains relevant information on the importance of the Congregation and how it works, and it has a virtual “Prayer Room” to allow visitors to share in the prayer of the Congregation.