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Sustainability and Benchmarking to Host Activities, Events during October

The Office of Sustainability and Benchmarking will sponsor the annual “SLUstainability Month” during the month of October.

Green Billiken

This year, Sustainability and Benchmarking will focus on three themes, with each theme representing a different aspect of sustainability.

The SLU community is encouraged to adopt one sustainable practice for each of the three themes in the “Do One Thing” (DOT) campaign, where a list of actionable items can be found. Participants can share their DOT action on social media by using the hashtag #SLUgreen16 or via this online form.

Upcoming Events:

Oct. 2 - Social Action Women’s Soccer Game
Oct. 3 - Green Billiken Spirit Day - Show support for SLUstainability Month by wearing something green like a green shirt or polo.
Oct. 3 - SLU Energy Madness Competition begins - a tournament-style competition between residence halls to see who can reduce the most energy over an eight-week period
Oct. 4 - Energy Expressions - Members of the Green Billiken student group will encourage the SLU community to express how they save energy in their lives or why saving energy is important on a chalkboard display. Participants will then be asked to post a picture of their written idea to social media, from noon to 2 p.m. outside of Griesedieck Hall along West Pine Mall
Oct. 6 - Care About Climate Presentation, featuring guest speaker Natalie Lucas, 4 p.m. in Busch Student Center 253C
Oct. 7- Sparky Earth Hour - an energy reduction hour
Oct. 8 - Webster Sustainability Conference, focusing on regional sustainability impacts. This year’s theme is "Demystifying Sustainability: The Impact of the Individual," and is $20 or $15 for students.
Oct. 11 - RideFinders 'Lunch and Learn,' noon, Busch Student Center 253.

For all other events, visit or sign up for the SLUstainability newsletter for a details about each theme.

Groups are encouraged to make their events “green” throughout the month or host a sustainable event focusing on one of the three themes. Email the for questions or to share plans.

Follow Sustainability and Benchmarking on social media via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.