Participants Needed for Vocabulary Learning Research Study
Sara Steele, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, seeks volunteers for a research study about learning new vocabulary when listening and reading.
Volunteers must be between 12 and 30 years old.
Individuals who have or may have language impairment are needed, as well as individuals who do not have a language impairment and have received no special education services.
Participants will take tests of language, reading, problem-solving and memory. They will listen to and read stories and then answer questions about words in the stories.
Participants will be tested in one or two sessions for a total of about two to three hours. Testing will be done at the participant’s home, at a public location (for example, a library) or at SLU’s Speech and Language Clinic.
Contact Sara Steele for more information at 314-977-2941 (calls only), 636-579-0714 (calls or text) or Saint Louis University IRB #26203; approved March 28, 2016.