Volunteers Sought for Research Study
The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics study will examine short-term dietary intervention on exercise performance.
Three nutrition and physical performance graduate students working under Edward P. Weiss, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, are seeking volunteers for a research study involving short-term dietary intervention on exercise performance.
The purpose of the study is to compare the effects of a Mediterranean versus a Western diet on multiple aspects of exercise performance. Dietary intervention sample meal plans and substitutions will be provided and energy needs will be calculated for particpants.
Volunteers will be responsible for costs associated with the food, must be regular runners (run two miles/week and have completed five kilometers of running in the past six months), be 18-60 years of age and free of major diseases.
Contact Kristen DeCesare, principal investigator at decesarekn@slu.edu or 401-339-1582.
IRB # 27746