Sigma Xi Research Symposium to Highlight Student Research
The SLU chapter of the Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society invites the University community to its annual Sigma Xi Research Symposium from 4 to 6 p.m., Monday, May 1, in the Saint Louis Room on the third floor at Busch Student Center. The symposium is co-sponsored by the Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Education, the Office of the Vice President for Research, SLU International Faculty and Staff Association, and several departments, colleges and schools.
More than 70 research posters from undergraduate and graduate students representing different disciplines will be showcased. The program will also include a talk by Kenneth Olliff, vice president for research about the current status and vision for the future of research at SLU. Light refreshments will be served.
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society was founded in 1886. The society has more than 500 chapters in the world. The SLU chapter was founded in 1944. Those interested in becoming a member, should send a message to For more information regarding Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society, click here.