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Study on chocolate, emotions seeks participants

A graduate student in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics is recruiting participants for a research study. The purpose of the study is to analyze college students’ chocolate consumption and the emotions associated with it.

SLU students of any age, major or school may participate.

Those taking part in the study will complete a one-time, online survey lasting less than 20 minutes. Participation is anonymous and will not benefit those taking part in the study. The results of this study may help registered dieticians design appropriate nutrition education and counseling for college students.

For questions or more information about the study, contact Carla Velarde at 765-775-6280. Velarde is advised by Amy Moore, assistant professor of nutrition and dietetics. The Institutional Review Board reference number is IRB #27795. For questions regarding the rights of study participants, contact the Saint Louis Institutional Review Board at 977-7744.

To participate in this study, please access survey here.