Romantic Couples Needed for Research Study
A Family and Community Medicine research study is seeking romantic couples to volunteer as it examines the influence of hormones on mood and romantic relationships.
Participants in the study will receive a $40 Target Gift Card as compensation.
To qualify for the study:
- Participants and their partners must both agree to take part in the study.
- Both partners must be 21 or older.
- The participants must have been in a committed romantic relationship with each other for at least one year.
- One member of the participating couple must be a female who experiences a monthly menstrual cycle.
- The couple must physically sleep in the same bed at least once a week for sleeping, not just sexual, reasons.
- The female partner is not using hormonal birth control such as the pill, the patch, a vaginal ring, or a shot such as depo-provera) and must not be undergoing hormonal treatment with medications such as hormone replacement therapy, egg retrieval medication, etc.
- The female partner is not pregnant, nursing or trying to become pregnant.
- The female partner's menstrual cycle lasts between 24 to 35 days on average. This is the amount of days between the start of two periods.
- Neither partner is using medication for chronic pain, depression or anxiety.
- Neither partner is currently experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder.
- Neither partner uses nicotine products.
- Neither partner uses any illegal substances including mind or mood-altering drugs.
The study will consist of both partners logging in daily at bedtime to complete a brief online survey across two menstrual cycles. The survey will start on the first day of the menstrual cycle and end on the final day of the following menstrual cycle.
The survey on the first day will take between ten and 15 minutes to complete. The remaining surveys will take between five and ten minutes to complete, with an average of five minutes to complete.
To see if you qualify for the study, visit the study.
For more information, contact Dixie Meyer, M.D., at 314-977-7114 or email.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocol number for the study is #28105 and it was approved on Feb. 28, 2017.