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SLU Community Shares Snapshots of Holiday Cheer


The senior class of the Investigative and Medical Science program along with the Medical Laboratory Sciences program go for a sleigh ride in the Allied Health Professions Building lobby. (From left) Justin McCarver, Joseph Vander Heyden, Amanda Reed, Kalley Schwab, Linda Le, Brad Lanford, Kayla Schmidt, Caleb Brown. Photo by Corey Mauer Launch SlideshowThe senior class of the Investigative and Medical Science program along with the Medical Laboratory Sciences program go for a sleigh ride in the Allied Health Professions Building lobby. (From left) Justin McCarver, Joseph Vander Heyden, Amanda Reed, Kalley Schwab, Linda Le, Brad Lanford, Kayla Schmidt, Caleb Brown. Photo by Corey Mauer

As Jack Frost nips at noses and Christmas carols fill the air, the SLU community shares their snapshots of joy, cheer and goodwill this holiday season in a holiday-themed photo story.

From cookie baking to making cards to brighten the holiday season for those in need, the University's staff, students and faculty members have been busy making their last weeks before the close of 2017 merry and bright.

Newslink would like to thank all those who submitted their photos filled with holiday spirit for this story. The Division of University Marketing and Communications wishes the SLU community a joyful, peaceful and hopeful Christmas and happy New Year!