Update from the President on Sept. 25th Title IX Investigation
Dear Members of the SLU Community,
I write to update the SLU community on the Title IX investigation initiated on September 25, 2017. At that time, the University Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX began its review process, and we chose to bring in an external investigator who specializes in assisting colleges and universities with the investigative portion of alleged sexual misconduct cases.
While the University's Sexual Misconduct Policy states that the internal Title IX process (investigation, hearing, and appeal) will be completed in 60 days, it allows that process to be extended for “good cause,” such as the “complexity of the circumstances of each allegation, and the integrity and completeness of the investigation.” This is the reason this case has extended beyond the 60-day goal.
We expect the University will receive the preliminary investigatory report from the external investigator this week, after which the next phase of the process, as detailed in the policy, will begin.
I wish to affirm that SLU seeks to foster a safe and supportive atmosphere where all members of our community can flourish. Each of us must play an active role in contributing to an inclusive environment — free from harassment and harm. Additionally, it is absolutely critical that our Title IX process is followed in a thorough, fair, impartial, and confidential manner; and that the University provides support to all of our students. This is how we have proceeded, and this is how we will continue to proceed.
Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D.