Academic Portfolio Retreat for Early-Career Faculty
The Reinert Center and the Office of Faculty Affairs is still accepting registrations for the 20th annual Academic Portfolio Retreat for full-time faculty (either tenure track or non-tenure track).
The retreat is especially useful for those who are new to the University or who are preparing dossiers for third-year, tenure or promotion review.
The retreat takes place March 24-25, and all participants must attend both days.
Marilyn Miller, Ph.D., formerly the director of the University of Missouri Program for Excellence in Teaching and currently an educational consultant, will facilitate.
During the retreat, participants will write about, reflect on, and organize evidence of their teaching, research and service, in preparation for tenure or promotion review. The retreat provides faculty with an opportunity to come together across disciplines, as a teaching and research community, for conversation and mentoring.
Seating is limited, and there is a $100 fee for participation, which typically is covered by departments.
To learn more or to register, visit the Reinert Center website.