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Submit Abstracts for ‘Making a Difference in North St. Louis’ Symposium

Abstracts submissions for the symposium, which takes place from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Monday, April 3, are due by Monday, March 6, and should be sent to Megan Dorsey at

Background on the North St. Louis Initiative:

Saint Louis University, with its urban location, Jesuit tradition, mission, commitment to social justice, and history of service to the underserved, is in many ways uniquely positioned to address social, economic, education, and health disparities that exist in North St. Louis. Several faculty, staff, and students currently partner with community organizations on a number of program, service, and research activities. However, despite significant investment on the part of the university, community engagement and partnership* is too often fragmented, uncoordinated, and unfocused. Coordinating these activities through a community-focused SLU initiative could help crystallize these efforts, providing a home for enhanced service learning activities and a base upon which to build future research.

Principles of the North St. Louis Initiative:

Purpose of the symposium:

In lieu of our current ability to formalize the North Saint Louis initiative with dedicated staff and resources, we would like to offer faculty, staff, and students from across the campus the opportunity to gather and share their actual or proposed work in North St. Louis. We believe this symposium will continue the momentum for work in North St. Louis that was developed during the spring 2013 Atlas week. The objectives of the symposium are to:

*Principles of Partnerships:

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health has adopted a set of principles of “good” community-campus partnerships. We provide some of those principles below that are relevant to this project.

Making a Difference in North St. Louis Abstract Guidelines

Consistent with the objectives of this symposium, the following should be included in the abstract.

Photographs and/or videos are encouraged.  Presenters will be responsible for providing their own computer to show a video.

Although this is not a juried competition in the usual sense, we expect that authors will include all of the components listed above. If components are not addressed, the symposium organizers will work with the authors to assure they address all aspects of the project in their poster.

Co-Sponsored by:

For more information contact Darcy Scharff at 314- 977-4009 or