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Provost's Update on Macelwane Hall

SLU Provost Nancy Brickhouse, Ph.D., issued the following update to the SLU community on the condition of Macelwane Hall on June 6. The update follows the May 25 that damaged labs, offices and teaching space in the Department of Biology. Plans are underway for renovations.

Read the full update below:

Dear faculty, staff, and students:

In the evening on Thursday, May 25th, a fire broke out on the third floor of Macelwane Hall, the academic home of our Department of Biology.  Thankfully, no one was injured.

Unfortunately, the fire itself, the smoke it generated, and the water significantly damaged most portions of the building.  Classrooms, teaching labs, research labs, and faculty offices were all affected.  The damage is such that the building cannot be renovated and ready to occupy for the Fall 2017 academic term. However, university leaders have developed a plan for housing all displaced faculty, laboratories, and courses that had been scheduled in Macelwane Hall during the 2017-2018 academic year.  Key elements of that plan include the following:

There is no question that the changes noted above, and all related changes, present challenges.  Our biology curriculum is an institutional hallmark, and fundamental to so many undergraduate and graduate programs.  Moving nearly everything associated with that department – even only temporarily – is a major task requiring unparalleled collaboration across the faculty and administrative units.  I am so proud to report that such collaboration is happening; I have been moved by how everyone involved has pulled together in support of each other.  

Long-term plans for renovations to Macelwane Hall are still in the works, and are fundamentally tied to our campus master-planning efforts.  Whatever we opt to do, we will do so driven to provide faculty and students the finest classroom, laboratory, and working spaces so that we can advance our shared educational mission.  I will keep you updated on those plans throughout the coming year. If you have questions, please contact Jack Kennell at or 314-977-3910.

In the meantime, I ask that you share a prayer of gratitude that no one was hurt by the fire; we thank those who worked so valiantly to extinguish it.  We pray as well that those who serve us by building and remodeling our wonderful facilities remain safe.  As challenging as times like these are, we are blessed that they reinforce what matters most to us all -- a caring SLU community that rallies to help those in need.


Nancy Brickhouse, Ph.D.