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Participants Sought for Vaccine Study

Saint Louis University’s Center for Vaccine Development is currently conducting a study with an investigational bird flu vaccine.

The purpose of this study is to test the safety and efficacy of an experimental vaccine developed to protect against the bird flu virus H5N8.

Four flu pandemics have occurred during the last century. During the 1918 flu pandemic, up to 40 million deaths occurred worldwide. Many deaths and illnesses also occurred during the 1957 and 1968 flu pandemics.

In April 2009, a novel type of influenza virus — named 2009 A/H1N1 — originated in pigs and spread to humans around the world becoming the first pandemic of this century.

The recent cases of a new flu strain, bird flu strains, in human populations in other parts of the world has increased efforts to be prepared in case of widespread infection. A key to a successful plan is vaccine production.

To participate, volunteers must be between 19 to 64 years of age. Volunteers who have been vaccinated against bird flu as part of a past study cannot participate.

Participation is strictly voluntary. Volunteers cannot get the bird flu from the vaccine, and the center will not expose volunteers to the bird flu in order to test the vaccine.

Volunteers will be compensated for participating at a rate of $75 per visit. Total participation will be about 13 months There are about 12 visits over approximately 13 months

To discuss volunteering, contact a nurse toll-free at 866-410-6333, or visit the Center for Vaccine Development website.

Refer to study No. 319, IRB No. 27873