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NSF/NIH Proposal Challenge Workshop Series

The Office of the Vice President for Research will offer intensive workshop training programs for SLU faculty targeting NSF CAREER and NIH R01 and R21 funding mechanisms.

All faculty for whom these mechanisms are relevant are encouraged to participate. Participants who submit a peer-reviewed proposal will receive a $1,000 honorarium for discretionary research activities provided by college and school deans, and the vice-president for research.

The NSF CAREER Challenge consists of a panel discussion on Wednesday, March 8, and a four-part workshop series beginning Thursday, March 30, led by Dr. Saran Twombly, former program director for the NSF’s Division of Environmental Biology.

The workshop series is geared to those who are planning to submit a CAREER proposal this year or for those who anticipate applying in future years. Each workshop will consider critical aspects of CAREER proposals and their evaluation, with extensive open discussion and Q&A. Participants will also benefit from one-on-one mentorship and peer review of proposals. The NIH R01/R21 Challenge is a six-part workshop series beginning Thursday, March 23, for faculty planning to submit an NIH R01 or R21 proposal this June or in Fall 2017.

The format will be a flipped classroom where participants will work on individual components of their proposals throughout the workshop series, with the aim of having a peer-reviewed full proposal ready by the submission deadline.

Please contact Courtney Schlueter at for more details or to register for either program.