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2017 Summer At SLU Program Guide Now Available

The School for Professional Studies now has available copies of the 2017 Summer At SLU Program Guide, the Saint Louis University guide to summer programming.

Registration for all programs is available online at

The publication includes details about more than 65 camp and academies for pre-K through high-school-aged students (13 of which are new in 2017), online courses, training and certifications, and college credit and continuing education classes.

Registration for all programs is available online at Scholarships as well as discounts for SLU faculty, staff, students and alumni are available. Please contact specific programs for more information.

Summer At SLU, Saint Louis University's summer community outreach initiative, was launched in December 2012 and has since seen an increase in camp and academy attendance by 126 percent while overall summer attendance in all programming combined has increased by 4 percent.

To request copies, email and include your name, department, building and room number. Offices can also view and download a PDF copy of the guide.

For more information about Summer At SLU, contact Troy Turnipseed at or 314-977-3431.