Dissertation Writing Retreat Offered
University Writing Services and the Student Success Center will offer a Dissertation Writing Retreat from June 14 to 16. The retreat is open to graduate students from all parts of campus. Sessions will run from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Participants will have structured time to write, learn about writing strategies and one-on-one feedback will be available. The retreat’s agenda features writing guidance and will cover topics including writing habits, setting goals and formatting. Those taking part will also be able to receive a half hour of individualized feedback from University Writing Services consultants. These feedback sessions will take place in the afternoon.
Participants will also be able to provide input concerning the agenda prior to the retreat.
Morning sessions will be held in Room 101, Tegeler Hall. In the afternoons, participants may utilize individual writing space in the Student Success Center in Suite 354, Busch Student Center.
Sign up for the retreat is available here. For questions, contact Kelly Herbolich, program director of academic support at kherboli@slu.edu.