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Sigma Xi Chapter Showcases Student Research

Over 70 posters highlighting undergraduate and graduate research were presented at the SLU Chapter of the Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society’s annual symposium May 1. Prizes were awarded to the top research projects. Seven new members were inducted into the honor society.

Students present a poster about their research.

Students present on their research projects at the May 1 Sigma Xi Scientific Honor Society's Annual Symposium in Busch Student Center. Submitted Photo

Prize-Winning Projects

Graduate Physical Sciences (GP) – Chelsea Deleon, McKenna Wilhelm, and Christopher Arnatt, Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, “Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of a Novel Series of G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor Antagonists for The Treatment of Gallstone Disease.”

Undergraduate Physical Sciences (UP) - Dzhuliya Vasileva, Keval Shah and Silviya Zustiak, Ph.D., Department of Biomedical Engineering, “Development and characterization of polyethylene glycol-carbon nanotube hydrogel composite.”

Graduate Biological Sciences (GB) – Elizabeth A. Walker, Rachel M. Treat, Bayleigh A. White, and Blythe E. Janowiak, Ph.D., Department of Biology, “Glutathione: An essential mechanism for the virulence and vaginal colonization of GBS in a murine model.”

Undegraduate Biological Sciences (UB) – Yasmeen Dhindsa, Luke James, Akhil Mulpuru, Elizabeth Walker, and Blythe E. Janowiak, Ph.D., Department of Biology, “Group B Streptococcus Lacking Glutathione Synthesis Shows High Susceptibility to Oxidative Stresses.”

Graduate Social and Behavioral Sciences (GS) – Tesa Rigel Hines, Hisako Matsuo, Ph.D., Lisa Willoughby, Ph.D., Hale Gallardo, Public and Social Policy, Department of Sociology, Department of Psychology, “The Mediating Effects of Acculturation and Social Satisfaction on Perceived Discrimination Among Immigrants.” This project featured SLU researchers in collaboration with the VA Medical Center, Gainesville, Florida.

Undergraduate Social and Behavioral Sciences (US) – Julie Mullins and Dr. Tony Buchanan, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, “The influence of Dark Triad personality traits on prosocial behavior.”

The symposium also featured the induction ceremony of seven new members into SLU’s Sigma Xi Chapter. 

The new members are:

Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society is the world’s largest multidisciplinary honor society for scientists and engineers. Its mission is to enhance the health of the research enterprise, foster integrity in science and engineering and to promote the public understanding of science for the purpose of improving the human condition. Sigma Xi chapters can be found at colleges and universities, government laboratories and industry research centers around the world. More than 200 Nobel Prize winners have been members. The Society is based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society was founded in 1886 and it has over 500 chapters in the world. SLU Chapter was founded in 1944. For those interested in becoming a member, please contact