Time Reporting Instructions for Employees Affected by Flooding
Per SLU President Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D., as discussed in the recent e-mail to the University community about flooding in the area, staff members who are unable to attend work or who work from home for reasons related to flooding are not expected to use paid vacation time to cover their absences and will be paid.
The University has issued the following directions for how to report time unable to be worked due to flooding below:
- For staff members who are paid bi-weekly who could not come into work due to the flooding and have communicated that to a supervisor, please report the hours on next month’s time sheet as University Closure up to 40 total hours (or his or her regular weekly scheduled hours if less than 40) for the week (i.e. regular hours + University closure = 40).
- For staff members who are paid monthly that could not come into work due to the flooding and have communicated that to a supervisor, she or he should not report any absences in the upcoming leave report.
For questions about reporting hours due to flooding, please e-mail payroll@list.slu.edu and a payroll representative will respond to questions directly.