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'Advocacy Call In' Event Set


The Center for Service and Community Engagement, in collaboration with Campus Ministry and the Ignatian Family Teach-In, will hold an “Advocacy Call In Day” from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 6. The event will be in support of SLU’s delegation to the annual Ignatian Family Teach-In in Washington, D.C., that took place between Nov. 4 and 6.

The Teach-In is an annual conference and lobbying day. This year, students were set to lobby for legislation specific to immigration reform, environmental justice reform and criminal justice reform.

The Nov. 6 Advocacy Call In Day will take place at the Center for Service and Community Engagement in Room 204, Wuller Hall. Snacks and call scripts will be provided.

The advocacy day is co-sponsored by the Student Government Association, Green Billikens, The Micah Program, Amnesty International, the Criminology and Criminal Justice Club and Billikens for Clean Water.