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Meet SLU's Jesuits: Dan White, S.J.


Get to know the Jesuits of Saint Louis University in this occasional series. Dan White, S.J., is a regular fixture at the spiritual home for many on SLU's campus, St. Francis Xavier College Church.

Dan White, S.J.

Dan White, S.J., pastor of St. Francis Xavier College Church. Photo by Molly Daily

White, who grew up in Wisconsin and was ordained at College Church, says the church holds a unique place in St. Louis. From housing college students as parishioners to its position as a parish nestled in the heart of the city, “it really is a unique place,” White said. “I don’t know of a lot of other places like it.”

Unsurprisingly, White sees quite a bit of inspiration in St. Francis Xavier, one of the original founders of the Jesuits. And when it comes to formation, White sees great value in the college experience.

“I like to remind students that the first Jesuits all met as college students,” he explained. “Sts. Francis Xavier and Ignatius of Loyola were actually roommates. So I’m expecting great things from roommates here at SLU.”

When White isn’t saying Mass or otherwise ministering to his flock, you might find him on a run or bike ride in Forest Park or exploring his favorite restaurants on South Grand.

Story by Molly Daily for University Marketing and Communications