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SLU Seeks Feedback on Speech, Expression, Civility


The Office of the President has asked the SLU community to share feedback about how the University’s values inform decisions about invited speakers and performers.

The full message from University President Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D., is available below.

Dear members of the SLU Community,

Last October, we began thoughtful, formalized conversations about how our institutional values should inform our response to invited speakers and performers. As I pointed out, we live in a time when many guest speakers, and opinions about them, divide and disrupt us well before they arrive on campus.

I also announced the formation of the Working Group on Speech, Expression, and Civility, which was charged with reviewing our current policies and practices, collecting and studying statements and policies from similar institutions, and identifying a set of questions to gather campus input.

The Working Group initially focused on the broad topic of how a Catholic, Jesuit institution should articulate its philosophy on free speech, expression, and civil discourse. That work led to the development of a proposed Statement of Philosophy on Speech, Expression, and Civility, which was submitted to you for comment at the end of the spring semester. Your responses were prompt, suggested improvements, and were generally supportive.

Before the Working Group finalizes the Statement of Philosophy, I ask that you please take this final opportunity to review and comment through this Google form. All points of view are important and will be considered. Once finalized, the Statement of Philosophy will guide the updating of our policy and procedures.

I want to thank those on the Working Group for their time, input, and leadership. I also want to thank all members of the SLU community for your commitment to civilly engage and critically examine all ideas and positions.


Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D.
