Information Security Awareness Training Window Opens
As part of Information Technology and Security’s ongoing Information Security Awareness Training program, SLU employees must complete a five to seven minute SkillSoft module, “Ensuring Data Security,” by Friday, Jan. 12, 2018.
The module became available in the Home tab of MySLU on Monday, Oct. 23. The training is designed to reduce risks to the University through community education efforts centered on protecting SLU’s data, network and other IT resources.
The Oct. 23 data security module has a pre-test that allows users to test out of the training.
SLU users who do not complete the training by the January 2018 deadline will be required to do so before proceeding in MySLU once the deadline has passed.
Additional information and answers to some commonly asked questions about the training are available on the IT Security Training page, under “Information Security.”
For questions or to give feedback, contact the Information Security team.