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Debate Tournament Seeks SLU Volunteers


SLU students, faculty and staff members can volunteer as judges for this year’s St. Louis Urban Debate League Tournament, which is being held on campus on Saturday Nov. 4. The tournament will be held in the Center for Global Citizenship.

The tournament is co-sponsored by the Department of Communication, College of Arts and Sciences and the Office of Diversity and Community Engagement.

The Urban Debate League (SLUDL) provides underserved urban youth in the St. Louis area with opportunities for academic and personal growth through their engagement in debate programs and college readiness activities.

Students, faculty and staff in the SLU community can volunteer to serve as judges for the tournament. No experience with debate is needed.  To learn more about what to expect and how to judge a debate round, click here.

Judges are needed for the following rounds and times:

To sign up for one or more of the above rounds, contact Shawn Briscoe, the program director for SLUDL, or sign up through the Web form by clicking here . A confirmation email will be sent to you following your request to participate. Judges will sign in at the Center for Global Citizenship at least 15 minutes before the round they plan to judge.  Any time that the SLU community can volunteer is appreciated.